Sunday, May 10, 2009

An Apple A Day...

Keeps the doctor away...too bad doggies can't have apples. It would have been a double bonus for Stella, too, because apples keep dentists away, too. I'm a clean-teeth-freak. Yeah, the rumors are true--they exist.

Stella's getting a bit, er, less young, so I took her to the vet on Friday to get her first dental done. I signed all the necessary paperwork, and as I was leaving...

Stella gave me the most desperate "Don't leave me!" look I have ever seen, and then she was scrambling on the linoleum floor trying to follow me out. I felt like the most terrible doggy-mommy on the face of the planet.

You know what they say about payback, though.

When I went to go pick Stella up, the vet tech brought her out from the back room. Stella hustled up to a complete stranger who was paying at the reception desk, and she was wagging her butt so hard and acting like she was going home with this lady.

The vet tech was like, "Uh, no, Stella...Your mommy's over here."

I couldn't believe how much of my dog they shaved just to clean her teeth. I can just imagine all the tubes and things poked and prodded into my dog just so she can have nice pearly whites. I'm glad the same process isn't used on humans. Her teeth are nice and sparkly white, now, and I was relieved to find out everything is in good shape. I don't know about you guys, but I have one of those dogs where it seems like every time I drop her off at the vet's office, they call me halfway through the day to say that she has some other thing wrong with her. Le sigh.

Stella with her patches:
How Could You Do This To Me? (Week 18/52)


Rufus and Indie said...

Hi! Stella's photo is adorable! I'm glad to hear everything went well in the vet!
Rufus and Indie

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Oh Stella, I feel for you. I hate it when Mom tries to brush my teeth. I don't chew enough bones. So Mom thinks she needs to stick a toothbrush in my mouth with peanut butter flavored toothpaste. I'm not fooled. As much as I love peanut butter, I don't want that plastic stick in my mouth.

PoochesForPeace said...

Stella can come home with me if she wants... :)

Sam said...

Aw, poor girl. I bet her teeth came out nice. I am dreading the day I have to leave my dog at the vet without me. Hopefully, that'll be never...

Sue said...

She should show us her new bright smile.